Tuesday 15 May 2012


I don't know about this artist but what she have been through really attracted by me. Of course This is really really weird and mystery i wonder is this a sign for all woman ??, Actor Yatt Hamzah, 32 shocked when his head stuck over half an hour on the ground when he performed a Solat Taubat recently. As she bow down for longer, Yatt said he saw clearly every woman reveal a been roasted in a terrible fire of hell.

"Yatt cries with tremble when saw women received a punishment that not cover their aurat?."

Before the incident he was with friends attending usrah on 5 April. The usrah Managed to raises consciousness itself because she often ignore prayers besides exposing aurat merely  pursue glamorous as popular artists.

"Upon arriving home that evening Yatt directly make a solat taubat."

Strangely, according to Yatt, when she do her bow down head suddenly she can't lift it up.Want or not, Yatt said, he immediately bow down, seeking a forgiveness from Allah while she cries...

In the long bow down. Yatt apparent see clearly that the women exposed their aurat and tortured God in hell.
Yatt crying seems to be louder when see the more terrible fire in hell.

"Yatt see all the woman hair being suspended on fire."

"All the women cry and asked God return them to the world to repent and to wear the headscarves."

That night Yatt said she sleep on carpets covered with  headscarves until dawn.

Well, for my conclusion is it's never always to late for us to ask forgiveness and go to the right path.