Wednesday 30 May 2012

Dara Berusia 70 Tahun Berkata Akhirnya Dia Bersedia Untuk Bercinta.

Dara Berusia 70 Tahun Pam Shaw Berkata Dia Sudah Bersedia Untuk Bercinta.

Tahun 2005 Movie Bertajuk "40-Year-Old Virgin," dikasarkan telah hampir mencecah sehingga $ 200 juta di seluruh dunia yang berdasarkan premis seorang lelaki yang hidup tanpa seks dalam sepanjang hidupnya. Tapi kali ini pula kita akan saksikan hidup sebenar seorang wanita telah berjaya untuk tinggal sebagai seorang dara sehingga ke hari jadi 70 tahun.

Alamak, Tua kerepotnya perempuan ini baru sekarang hendak bercinta?? Hehe Tak pe, Cinta tak kenal usia kan ? Pam Shaw berkata, "Sekarang akan menjadi perubahan baru, sekarang adalah masa untuk saya bersedia untuk terjun kepada pemuda yang betul," katanya, Pam Shaw juga memberitahu, "Standard saya masih sangat tinggi, Saya berharap untuk memenangi seorang jutawan yang tinggi, gelap dan kacak".

Shaw juga berkata, dia tidak percaya dalam seks sebelum berkahwin dan dia telah terlalu sibuk dengan kerjayanya sebagai tarian kabaret. "Saya rasa saya bersedia untuk pergi kepada perkahwinan dan mungkin pergi ke katil dengan lelaki," katanya. "Anda tidak pernah terlalu tua untuk apa-apa."

Shaw berkata dia tinggal bersama ibunya sehingga dia meninggal duniapada usia 97 pada tahun 1995. Secara Ironiknya, Shaw berkata lelaki selalu membuat anggapan yang salah tentang kehidupan seks dia atas kerana daripada kerjayanya dalam industri hiburan.

"Saya tidak pernah benar-benar menjadi intim dengan seorang lelaki,hanya sedikit daripada mencium. Saya mempunyai nama panggung yang seksi dan berpakaian seksi tetapi semua itu hanya untuk kerjaya saya," katanya.
(Dulu)Pam Ketika Masih Muda Pada Zaman 1960~Comel

(Kini)Pam Shaw berpakaian sebagai penyanyi Tina Turner.
Siapa-siapa rasa berminat atau berkebolehan boleh lah minta contact no awek ni.Akakak

Foto Neelofa Berpakaian “Bunny Girl”

Alamak. How Lucky I am ,Ini dia Neelofa yang berpakaian Ala "Bunny Girl". hehehe. Terkejutnya nampak Foto ini. Baru jer Dapat tahu yang sebuah blog hiburan telah mengeluarkan foto-foto Neelofa kat laman hiburan tersebut, Laman hiburan tersebut itu menyatakan bahawa kostum yang dipakai itu memang sama seperti model "Playboy Bunny Girl" Isk Isk Isk, Bunny Girl ini memang selalunya seksi sangat. Selalunya dijumpai kat Event Cosplay ataupun kat Club/Jackpot yang tujuannya untuk menarik ramai pelanggan.

So far Foto-foto ini dipercayai adalah dari penggambaran sebuah video klip yang diarahkan oleh Yusry KRU. SEXAY~

Girls’ Generation (SNSD) Teaser Single Terbaru, “Paparazzi”

Ini lah Single terbaru SNSD yang telah saya nanti-nantikan, saya memang meminati SNSD, bukan saja dari segi muka, dari segi tarian, nyanyian dan rentak muzik yang best. Sebelum ini Populariti single "The Boys" mendapat sambutan yang sangat mengalakkan daripada peminat, kini Girls Generation atau SNSD akan melancarkan single terbaru mereka lagi iaitu 'Paparazzi'. Sepatutnya, single ini dijadualkan untuk dilancarkan pada awal bulan di negara yg sangat maju dari segi dunia hiburan iaitu Jepun, bagaimanapun syarikat SM Entertainment telah memuatnaik sedikit teaser berkatian dengan video muzik single berkenaan ini. 

Hehe Walaupun sekadar teaser, tapi video 1 minit ini best juga tau, ia memberikan kita sedikit bayangan rentak konsep lagu 'Paparazzi' ini. Nama lagu ini sesuai juga untuk populariti ahli Girl Generation yang sering menjadi perhatian lensa kamera daripada paparazzi. memang tak sabar ni nak tunggu video muzik terbaru ini !

Preview teaser

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Opss..Linda Rafar Trauma Selepas Terperangkap Dalam Lif

Opss...Artis cantik ini terperangkap 10 minit kat lif?? Hmm..Teperangkap 10 minit kat lif ni bukanlah sesuatu yang menyeronokkan. Bagi saya ini lah sesuatu yang menakutkan, saya juga takut! kasihan Linda Rafar. Terperangkap kat lif dengan anaknya yang baru berumur 4 tahun.

Itulah yang berlaku pada Linda Rafar selepas dia menghantar 2 orang anaknya, Rezzaril, 12, dan Rezzaiman, 10, bermain boling di Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam. Artis ini turut terperangkap bersama beberapa orang lain dan juga pekerja plaza itu.

Dipetik dari mStar Online, Linda Rafar mengatakan : “Selepas menghantar anak saya bermain boling di aras atas, saya turun ke aras bawah bagi membeli barang-barang dapur. Pada kejadian itu, bukan saya dan Rezzaqiib sahaja berada dalam lif, terdapat beberapa orang termasuklah seorang pekerja plaza itu. Agak mencemaskan, kerana masing-masing sukar untuk bernafas.” 

Kejadian ini yang berlaku kira-kira jam 12 tengah hari itu menjadi lebih cemas apabila lampu terpadam dan anak Linda Rafar yang baru berumur 4 tahun mengalami kesukaran untuk bernafas.

Linda Rafar berkata : “Sebenarnya, yang membuatkan saya lebih cemas apabila salah seorang daripada kami yang terperangkap memberitahu lif itu sering bermasalah sehingga ada kejadian ia dapat dibuka dalam masa satu hari. Gemuruh darah saya dibuatnya. Syukurlah, lif berkenaan dapat dibaiki oleh petugas penyenggaraan yang dimaklumkan mengenai kejadian itu.”

Linda Rafar mengakui bahawa kejadian ini menyebabkan dirinya trauma untuk menggunakan lif lagi dan memilih untuk menggunakan eskalator sahaja pada masa akan datang.

Info ini dipetik dari mStar Online.

Friday 25 May 2012

Andy lau Mengambil Status PR Di Malaysia

Waw..pujaan idola ku ini telah mengambil status PR kat Malaysia, Hm... sangat happy sebab artis ini bukan saja berbakat dalam dunina bidang perfileman tetapi juga dalam bidang menyanyi, Kali ini Andy Lau telah menetapkan untuk membuat panggilan ke malaysia sebagai rumah kedua, Harap-Harap dapatlah kan?.

Sebenarnya Pelakon Hong Kong ini telah dilaporkan beberapa kali berminat untuk mengambil status penduduk tetap di malaysia salah satu sebabnya ialah untuk membuat ia lebih mudah untuk melihat isterinya Carol Chu dan anak perempuan mereka.

Menurut laporan dari media, Andy telah membeli sebuah rumah kat ampang? Dia juga telah mengupah pengawal peribadi untuk Carol, Selain daripada itu. Andy juga telah membuat perancangan untuk anak perempuannya untuk menetap di malaysia untuk mengelakkan keghairahan paparazzi dari Hong Kong. Memang Giler sikit ni paparazzi kat Hong Kong. But anyway Semoga Berjaya untuk status PR Anda Andy ~

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Aikss..Datuk Sharifah Aini Dimasukkan Ke Hospital Kerana Paru-Paru Dijangkiti Kuman,

O.o mengejutkan baru jak baca2 artikel-artikel kat ohbulan ternampak pulak story mengenai Datuk Sharifah Aini. Hmm..Datuk Sharifah Aini dipercayai telah dimasukkan ke sebuah hospital kerana mengalami jangkitan kuman pada paru-parunya.
Ia dipercayai berlaku 2 hari lalu di laman facebook rasminya, sebuah status telah dikeluarkan oleh rakan baiknya iaitu Khalilah Dato' Mohd Talha. Dalam kenyataan itu Khalilah menyatakan bahawa doktor peribadinya telah mengesahkan paru-paru Datuk Sharifah telah dijankitii kuman.

Kenyataan itu juga turut memohon pada para peminatnya agar dapat mendoakan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan beliau. Beliau juga sempat mengirimkan salam kasihnya kepada semua orang yang sentiasa menyokong dirinya. Dapat dilihat juga melalui komen peminat-peminat, mereka semua mendoakan kesihatan penyanyi kesayangan mereka ini. saya juga mendoakan agar beliau akan cepat sembuh dari jangkitan kuman itu. 

Persoalanya apakah kuman itu???

Tuesday 22 May 2012


Baru-baru ini terbaca satu kamera kat majalah photography lalu ternampak camera canon ini, oleh kerana ia sangat mengancam dan advanced, so saya decided untuk kongsi sikit info mengenai camera ini. Canon Ixus 115 HS ini mempunyai fungsi teknologi tinggi seperti paparan foto 12.1 megapixel yang dilengkapi dengan CMOS. Apa yang best mengenai kamera ini ialah ia turut dibantu dengan Advanced Smart Auto di mana dengan menghalakan lensa ke suatu objek, fungsi ini secara automatik akan menyelaras jumlah cahaya (exposure) dan fokus (focal) dalam apa jua keadaan. Hasilnya ia boleh mendapatkan foto-foto yang cantik tanpa perlu risau setting-setting kamera yang membingungkan.

Yang best partnya pula ialah Canon IXUS 115 HS juga mempunyai fungsi Creative Filter dimana foto-foto yang dihasilkan mempunyai efek-efek khas berdasarkan kemahuan kita.

Saya rasakan kamera ini memang sangat memudahkan kerana hanya seberat 140g, Canon IXUS 115 HS boleh menjalankan tugas merekodkan momen bahagia kita dalam bentuk format HD seperti kamera-kamera video yang profesional lagi mahal. Paling best, kamera ini mempunyai Dynamic IS yang sentiasa membantu kita merakan video dengan stabil walaupun semasa berjalan-jalan. Bestnya~

Bagaimana pula jika kita ni hanya suka menangkap foto lalu tersimpan dalam kad memori yang agak lama. Apatah lagi jika nasib tak baik ? mungkin kad memori rosak ataupun seseorang terbuang foto-foto itu.

Hoho.. Inilah dia Selphy CP800 adalah jawapan untuk kita semua. Pencetak foto ini mampu membuatkan pasangan, atau orang yang anda sayangi rasa lebih dihargai kerana ia mampu menghasilkan foto momen dengan kualiti yang tinggi.

Hmm.. ia mudah saja digunakan, kita hanya perlu memasukkan kad memori dan Selphy CP800 secara automatik akan menjalankan tugasnya bedasarkan kehendak kita. Pencetak ini turut dilengkapi dengan fungsi Portrait Image Optimiser, fungsinya ini ialah membetulkan setting foto sebelum dicetak. Hasilnya foto kita akan jadi lebih menarik dan berkualiti! 

Kita boleh mencetak foto-foto dalam pelbagai format yang dikehendaki tanpa menggunakan sebarang software. Sama ada bentuk kolaj, atau dihiasi dengan frame, terpulanglah. Best tak ? bagi saya inilah teknologi yang sangat mudah lagi berkualiti!

Sunday 20 May 2012


Wow. Boleh tahan wartawan ini, berani betul nak kiss kat Will Smith tambahan lelaki pula ni. Hahaha, siap lah kena penampar oleh Hero Men In Black ini, Agaknya Will smith perlukan satu pemadam memory dah ni. Kejadian ini berlaku di moscow, jumaat apabila seorang wartawan "Lelaki" cuba untuk mencium artis ketika sesi karpet merah untuk tayangan perdana filem terbaru, "Men In Black III" di Moscow. Inilah gara-gara sikap wartawan tv yang ingin kesempatan mencium pipi pelakon popular ini. Padan muka kau!

Lelaki itu, dilaporkan dari Ukraine, pada masa itu dia berjalan di atas permaidani merah dan cuba memeluknya terlebih dahulu, kemudian mencium dia di kedua-dua pipi sebelum mencuba untuk bibir. Ini lah epiknya bermula, Smith membalas dengan memberikan 1 tamparan lelaki ke mukanya, Smith dengan marahnya berkata : "Come on man, what the hell is your problem buddy?" 

Dua wanita datang apabila mendengar bunyi tamparan itu, Smith menjelaskan : "Maaf, dia mencium mulut saya!" Bintang MIB itu segera bertenang, Smith tersenyum dan berkata kepada jurukamera, "orang itu bertuah kerana tidak dapat penyedut penumbuk saya" .


Hmm...Baru juga lepas abis makan terus duduk baca article kat internet, tiba-tiba pula nampak berita mengenai Yana Samsudin ni? actually saya ni mmg peminat yana juga .. Baru-baru ini pada pada setiap jam 10.30 pagi kat radio Hot FM ada jemputan untuk artis pelakon dan juga penyanyi, salah satunya ni Yana Samsudin lah. Nak dijadikan cerita disini, agak mengejutkan juga , sebab apabila disoal oleh deejay pada ketika itu Yana mengakui yang dia kini single aka solo dan tidak mempunyai kekasih seperti yang digembar gemburkan selama ini. Sebelum ini Yana pernah digosipkan dengan pelakon Shaheizy , namun Yana berpendapat Sam hanya kawan akrab sahaja dan tidak lebih dari itu. 

Friday 18 May 2012


Finally my favorite movie ever American Pie Reunion finally being release this year 2012. American Pie Reunion is the eighth film overall, Guess who back? Jim, Michelle, Stifler, and their friends reunite in East Great Falls, Michigan for their high school reunion . In this movie they will discover what has changed, who hasn't, and that time and distance can't break the bonds of friendship.

The plot was like this, It was summer 1999 when four small-town Michigan boys began a quest to lose their virginity. In the years that have passed, Jim and Michelle married while Kevin and Vicky said goodbye. Oz and Heather grew apart, the hot part is Finch still longs for Stifler's mom. Hahaha!

There will be an character update in this movie
  • Jim and Michelle now have a two-year old son.
  • Kevin Myers is married and works from home as an architect.
  • Chris "Oz" Ostreicher has moved to a beach house in Malibu and works as a sportscaster on an NFL show.
  • Katrina Bowden plays Oz's girlfriend, an "L.A. party girl type".
  • Jay Harrington plays Heather's boyfriend who is a doctor.
  • Charlene Amoia plays Kevin's wife.
Fans of American Pie totally need to watch this new comedy movie, because if you don't watch it, you will regret whole of your life. I just can't to watch this until my download finish =p

Here's some picture of American pie reunion

American Pie Reunion Trailer

Thursday 17 May 2012

Taylors Swift, Country Music Hall Of Fame Donation: Singer Gives $4 Million For Education Center

I'm fan of Taylor Swift and i really do like her album song so much, but this do shocked me Omg..$4 Million?? Taylor sure gives a huge number of money, but i think it's good. Because currently at NASHVILLE, Tenn. She has taught a generation kids to appreciate country music over five years. Now, She's donating $4 million to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum to make sure that education continues. Such a pure heart of Taylor isn't it ?

As we know the gift is the largest given to the museum by an artist and is the second largest from individual, officially it will be fund the Taylor Swift Education Center as an exhibit and classroom space scheduled to open in 2014.

This is what Museum director Kyle Young said "In terms of what it will allow us to do, we do education very well now, It will allow us to do what we do better, serve more people, develop new programs and I'm happy to say that as we talked through this opportunity with Taylor, she very much wants to be involved in an advisory capacity in what we do. Is there a better person out there who's in touch with a young audience? I think not. I was joking we should be paying her to do that. I was only joking." I think that Mr Kyle saying the truth who else out there that will paying more attention to this young kids, a good education will develop more on the country music as well they will appreciate more too.

The cool part is a new education center is part of the museum's $75 million "Working on a Building" expansion project that will increase the space more than 200,000 square feet to 350,000. The expansion is part of the new convention center project in downtown Nashville and will include a new concert theater, more room for exhibits and archives, and a shared entrance with a new hotel.

Swift's education center will have its own exterior entrance and is 7,500 square feet-plus spread over two stories. It will include three classrooms and exhibit space and will allow the museum to add to its youth education programs. The new space will house interactive activities such as a musical petting zoo and a "wet" classroom space to make concert posters and other art projects. The expansion also would allow the museum to start new programs and workshops and for teens and senior citizens as well as continuing workshops.

Taylor is 22-year-old singer this year and also a songwriter country music's, she is the top-selling artist and current ambassador to the world today. The six-time Grammy winner is a two-time winner of both the Country Music Association and Academy of Country Music entertainer of the year awards and has taken the genre to Asia, Europe and Australia as well as the top of the U.S. pop charts. Don't you think she is amazing?
such talented and smart women.

Now i know that she actually has a long history with the museum. One of her first public performances was on the building's plaza. She signed her record contract there. And she has donated her time to the museum's "All For The Hall" fundraisers.

Director Kyle Young said, " For Taylor to want to engage herself in the life of this place in such an appropriate way... every way you slice it and dice it, it's great for this place," 

Some of Taylor Swift pictures 

Beautiful Isn't her???

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Transformers 4 Confirmed for June 29, 2014

This is nice but shocked me, i thought that my favaurite movie Transformer is not going to be release again. Actually Paramount Picture had announced that Director Michael Bay has signed a two-picture deal with the studio( I'm glad that michael din't really put transformer 3 as a ending of the movie), which will commence this spring with the filming of pain and gain, and will be followed by the next installment in the hit Transformers franchise.

Michael Bay will bring audiences a new take on the Transformers franchise as he begins production on the fourth installment in the hit series of movies based on the best-selling Hasbro toyline. The third, and most recent installment of the franchise,Transformers: Dark of the Moon, is the fourth highest global grossing film of all time with 1.124 billion dollars of worldwide box office success. Directed by Bay, the movie will re-unite the film making team from the hit franchise, including the awesome producers Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Don Murphy, Tom DeSanto and Ian Bryce; and executive producers Steven Spielberg, Bay,Brian Goldner and Mark Vah radian. Paramount Pictures will release the film on June 29th, 2014.

President of Paramount's Film Group. said that Michael has been working on pain and gain for a number of years but has patiently waited for the perfect casting to trigger a start. Clearly his patience has paid off as I couldn't be more excited about this combo. His passion for this project is just awesome.


Heard that  in London our beloved PM Najib is doing a talk with lots of Malaysian Citizens who live there and the people have their opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on monday afternoon, and many of them rush to greet and shake hands with him after the prime minister spoke, Our PM talk about people responsibilities on country in a democracy and people choice through elections ?

Najib said in any democracy, there will be those who voted in favor and opposed, but ultimately, what is most important is people's choice.
Here what Najib said : "Malaysians will have the choice. We have already proof. You do not need to hold street demonstrations in Malaysia, as if held too, it is possible that there would be problems, there is a clash, "he said, obviously referring to Bersih 3.0 demonstration in Kuala Lumpur last month.

He said a person has a right to support the government or opposition, but"you must do so according to the tenets of law which is".
"If you are ignore the rule of law, there will be anarchy in the country.There should be no anarchy in our country. We can accept opposing opinions and perspectives but I would not respected if you violate the country law. That was the only protection we have for the future of Malaysia, "he said.

The prime minister have attract attention out that a total of 100,000 people has proven to be gathered in a stadium, and do it so safe at all, referring obviously to the big rally held at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium celebration of the 66thanniversary of Umno on May 11.
"That is the correct way. If Bersih want a meeting, we can give them the same stadium, and we will ensure peace and security. No one will be hurt and that is the real way for us as a nation of maturity. We believe in democracy, but democracy with a responsibility. "

Najib's speech was delivered in a relaxed, received by Malaysians here and fully being enthusiastically who gathered at the concert hall, with some people bringing along their children.There are two or three people who do that noise among the audience, making the prime minister said "this is not the manners of Malaysia and notpolite to interrupt", but other attendees is very focus to hear his speech.

Any opinions guys??? im actualy not a voter for ummo, but oppose and sometimes ummo talk sweets so much could make me melt too .I hope this was a real deal for our country. 


Lady gaga got banned ? I'm not a fan of lady gaga but i think that when she think of coming indonesia for concert, not all could accept her music song & lyrics. It's satanic lyric. Actualy Lady gaga is scheduled to perform in jakarta next month, but been banned in the majority of muslim nation following a strong objections from muslim critics that have ripped the pop superstar pornography persona and spirited persona.

A spokesman for the Indonesian national police has confirmed that the star has been denied a permit for her show in June 3 , which would have been the biggest stop on her recently launched Asian tour and would have played at the massive, 52,000-seat Gelora Bung Karno stadium in Jakarta, that's really a huge number.

The "Born This Way" singer has come under fire by conservative groups like the Islamic Defenders Front, whose fiery public protests have trashed the pop superstar for her "Satanic lyrics" that threaten to "destroy the children's sense of morality.' I think not only " Born this way is her satanic lyrics, a lot of her song is contain satanic lyrics that always make me wondering "Who is she actually" ? A pop star? or A Slave of Satan??

Not only Islamic Defenders Front, how about  public people?? they also have vowed to physically prevent the singer from setting foot in the land of Indonesia. I'm guess that lady gaga is not welcome at indonesia after all.

The local law enforcement also has reportedly requested that the show's permit have to be cancel after fearing that officers wouldn't able to contain a massive protest chaos that could endanger public safety. The singer's Asian tour kicked off in late April but she's already racked up by a controversy along the way. Her South Korea show was also marred by protests from Christian groups decrying that her "pornographic" performances promoted homosexuality.

Lady Gaga pornographic fashion

Born This Way Lady Gaga

Poker Face Lady Gaga 

Lighting Bolt Fashion (If you know what I mean)

Try Again Next Time Lady Gaga 


Tuesday 15 May 2012


I don't know about this artist but what she have been through really attracted by me. Of course This is really really weird and mystery i wonder is this a sign for all woman ??, Actor Yatt Hamzah, 32 shocked when his head stuck over half an hour on the ground when he performed a Solat Taubat recently. As she bow down for longer, Yatt said he saw clearly every woman reveal a been roasted in a terrible fire of hell.

"Yatt cries with tremble when saw women received a punishment that not cover their aurat?."

Before the incident he was with friends attending usrah on 5 April. The usrah Managed to raises consciousness itself because she often ignore prayers besides exposing aurat merely  pursue glamorous as popular artists.

"Upon arriving home that evening Yatt directly make a solat taubat."

Strangely, according to Yatt, when she do her bow down head suddenly she can't lift it up.Want or not, Yatt said, he immediately bow down, seeking a forgiveness from Allah while she cries...

In the long bow down. Yatt apparent see clearly that the women exposed their aurat and tortured God in hell.
Yatt crying seems to be louder when see the more terrible fire in hell.

"Yatt see all the woman hair being suspended on fire."

"All the women cry and asked God return them to the world to repent and to wear the headscarves."

That night Yatt said she sleep on carpets covered with  headscarves until dawn.

Well, for my conclusion is it's never always to late for us to ask forgiveness and go to the right path.

Monday 14 May 2012


Here's a new young Korean Bandboy song that i just listened recently, well this band is more into singing while dancing totally different with Big Bang Band . "EXO" is a chinese-south korean boy band produced by S.M Entertainment. Formed in 2011 in seoul, South Korea, EXO have twelve members separated into two subgroups, EXO-K and EXO-M, while promoting  music their simultaneously promote in south korea and china.Their debut "What is love", "History" and "Mama" was released in worldwide.

Introduction of the members
Birth Name: Kim Joon Myung
Stage Name: Suho
Date of Birth: May 22, 1991
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist of EXO-K
Height: 172 cm

Birth Name: Kim Jong In
Stage Name: Kai
Date of Birth: January 14, 1994
Position: Vocalist, Main Dancer
Height: 182 cm
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Family: Father, Mother & 2 Older Sisters
Skills: Ballet, jazz, hip hop, popping, locking dances
Facts: Appeared in HaHaHa song CF with DBSK/TVXQ. He’s a friend of SHINee’s Taemin as mentioned in SHINee World.

Birth Name: Oh Se Hoon
Stage Name: Se Hun
Date of Birth: April 12, 1994
Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Height: 181 cm
Skills: Dancing
Facts: He’s a former ulzzang

Birth Name: Do Kyung Soo
Stage Name: D.O.
Date of Birth: January 12, 1993
Position: Main Vocalist

Stage Name: Baek Hyun
Date of Birth: May 6, 1992
Position: Lead vocalist

Birth Name: Park Chan Yeol
Stage Name: Chan Yeol
Date of Birth: November 27, 1992
Height: 185 cm
Position: Rapper

Here's a EXO music video "HISTORY"

Hope you enjoy it :) 
Please leave some comment after you listen this song . TQ

Marvel's The Avengers (MOVIES)

I just watch a new marvel movie "The Avengers" Well this movie is really blasted in worldwide, grossing box office records and cracking $103.2 billion worldwide and given as  "A+ CinemaScore" , in a recent news show's that johnny deep dark shadows is no match with the avengers in box office landed softly in second place with a disappointing $28.8 million.

A little bit about the movie plot it's a Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick fury, Director of the international agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D, find himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. "Marvel's The Avengers" actually is based on the popular Marvel comic book series "The Avengers," First published in 1963 and a comics institution ever by Stan lee, writer editor of the avengers . Ok, do you know who is Stan Lee ?? if you don't know then you should know it because Stan Lee (born December 28, 1922) is an American comic book writer, editor, actor, producer, publisher, television personality, and the former president and chairman of Marvel Comics.

I bet anyone haven't watch this movie should really really really watch for this movies, I very confident of it because it contains a lot of special effects, it will make you feel really awesome and that's me when i watch this movie for opening last 2 week in 3D. You wanna watch it, watch it on 3D .This is the epic that you don't wanna miss with.
The Avengers Screenshot
Hawkeye, Captain America, Black Widow

3 Heroes Assemble Thor, Iron man, Captain America

Captain America Vs Thor

Nick Fury Director of S.H.I.E.L.D

Hulk Smash!!

Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man

"The Avengers" Trailer